Final Test

Lucas had come so far in my training it was like he was born for this. I felt such pride and arousal watching him obey my every word, all I wanted to do was fuck with him really hard, but there was one final crucial step left in his training. The step that would transform him into my very own bondage slave.

Sealing his mouth again with duct tape, I ordered him to "find a way to get free in less than two minutes." He began struggling immediately, thrashing about with his big muscular arms while his cock flailed around from all his movement. He was really starting to work up a sweat, but every time his time ran out I tied him up anew.

He was still thinking like a strong man, that he could succeed with his strength. But I was patient, I wanted him to succeed with this final test, even when he roared in frustration and gave me the "How the hell am I supposed to do this?" look.